Eagle Lake Estates Park

40 Angus Point Rd. No dogs are permitted on the public beach & please do not litter. Please don’t feed the ducks.

Lakeshore Capacity Assessment for Eagle Lake

Executive Summary

The Province’s Lakeshore Capacity Model was used to assess the capacity of Eagle Lake for shoreline development. Using the assumptions and coefficients recommended in the Province’s guidance, the model predicts existing spring total phosphorus (TP) concentration to within 10% of the long-term measured concentrations of 8.1 µg/L and 6.6 µg/L for the north and south basins of the lake, respectively, and the model is therefore considered to provide reasonable TP estimates to assess shoreline capacity and develop site-specific water quality objectives. Background TP concentration without human development in the watershed is modeled to be 3.5 µg/L and 2.5 µg/L for the north and south basins, respectively. The revised Provincial Water Quality Objective ([PWQO] background plus 50%) is therefore 5.3 µg/L for the north basin and 4.2 µg/L for the south basin. The modeled and measured TP concentrations for existing conditions exceed the PWQO for both basins of Eagle Lake and as such, they would be considered over capacity for additional lot development. Both basins are also considered to be highly sensitive to phosphorus loading based on an assessment following methods of the District Municipality of Muskoka. The Province would not recommend approval of new lot creation unless specific criteria are met, as defined by the Province, to ensure that there is no potential for a net increase in TP loading to either basin of the lake.

Read the full Lakeshore Capacity Assessment